Tuesday, August 23, 2011

August Amusement....and Crazy Earthquakes!

To all my friends in Colorado and on the East Coast: I hope you are all doing well after last night's and this afternoon's earthquakes. Having the earth move under our feet is fairly common here in California. I hope there won't be many aftershocks and that you are all safe.

With the earth heaving under our feet, quilting is the farthest thing from most peoples' minds, but I scheduled this post for this afternoon, so away we go.

This is the eighth block in the Block of the Month design challenge sponsered by Electric Quilt. It is called August Amusement.

Well, so much for my photography skills. This is definitely crooked. Anyway....I didn't think I was going to like all those stripes around the border of the block. I decided they needed to be as neutral as possible so they wouldn't overpower the center. I liked the way the block turned out. It's actually not as busy looking as I feared.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Joan, Nancy and I did not feel the earthquake here although some people in our state did. It is not uncommon to have earthquakes here but it is different. Having lived in CA I do know the feeling. It was funny when my former neighbor (in San Diego)texted me asking if I felt the earthquake. Nancy and I were at one of our bees and we knew nothing about it. We found out pretty quickly though.

    We're gearing up for a possible hurricane now. That is a little more uncommon for us. Lots of crazy things going on that can disrupt a day. I'll take quilting, please. :)

    Great block.


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