Thursday, January 20, 2011

Liebster Blog Award

I have been given the Liebster Blog Award by Lisa at

I have to admit that I didn't know what the Liebster Blog Award was until Lisa wrote to me and told me she had nominated me. I did some checking on line and am very pleased to have been included in this project.

The aim of the Liebster Blog Award is to bring recognition and exposure to small blogs who have less than 300 followers. If you accept the award, you then agree to tag three other small blogs that you would like to recommend to others.

So, to keep the ball rolling, I would like to nominate the following three blogs for the Liebster Blog Award: Alissa at Quiltish writes about quilting and her home-based business and hints for success using Etsy. I am just starting down the Etsy road so I read about her experiences with a great deal of interest, and appreciate the knowledge she shares in her "Business Bits" page on the blog. Shontelle writes about her quilting projects and posts great photos of her works in progress and completed quilts. One of her quilts was recently featured in Australian Homespun Magazine. Congratulations, Shontelle!  Pam is a long arm quilter who writes a very enjoyable blog about her quilting. I particularly enjoy the whimsical quilts she makes. Her year end video of all the quilts she completed last year is impressive.

So, congratulations to Alissa, Shontelle and Pam. I hope you will accept the award and post on your blogs about three small blogs that you enjoy.


  1. Thank you so much for thinking of me...I really appreciate that and I would love to participate.

  2. I look forward to reading about who you choose for your Liebster awards!

  3. Oh, what a happy joy to return home to! Thank you so much for honoring my blog in this way, what a lovely surprise. I really appreciate your kind words & am happy my business bits help you on your journey!

  4. Hi Joan, Thank you so much for choosing me for the Liebster award. I have passed on the love to some other bloggers.

    Best Wishes,


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